
2018-5-9 · RT ping 的目标主机都是同一台,ipv4通,ipv6不通 我的远程腾讯云上的主机 Windows Server R2 2012(不知道腾讯云的主机支持ipv6不,但在腾讯云主机上ipconfig是可以看到有ipv6的地址,应该是支持的) 同网段的可以ping同ipv6的( win7配置ipv6的三个简单方法(win7安 … 2014-1-2 · IPv6悄然的来到了我们的身边,Windows 7已经开始支持IPv6,但是对于用户来说,Windows 7本来就还没弄明白,现在再加上一个IPv6本来就很晕的用户更加的摸不到头脑。下面就向大家介绍如何在Windows 7中配置IPv6 。 一、毛病初现: Ping IPv6 IP Address With ping6 Command - nixCraft 2013-6-12 · Fig.02: Verifying Linux IPv6 support. A note about MS-Windows XP/7/8/server users. You can test an IPv6 connection by using the ping command. At a command prompt, type: ping -6 www.cyberciti.biz ping -6 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4. References. Read ping6 man page for …

Jun 16, 2016 · At the end of Part 1…..we were ON R1 and unable to ping the IPv6 address of our directly connected interface gig0/0/3, 2001:db8:14: 1::1. As you recall the facts were as below. Interface up/up, OSPFv3 configured properly, proper IPv6 address configured on interface gig0/0/3.

Windows 7 Failing Ping on IPv6 in DHCP Setup - Server Fault 2020-6-11 · Windows 7 Failing Ping on IPv6 in DHCP Setup. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 10 months ago. Active 9 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 9k times 3. 1. I have set up a test ISC DHCP server that is not connected to an internet with DHCP and DHCPv6. I also have a Cisco 3750G with IPv6 enabled. win10如何开启IPV6及WIN10无法上ipv6的解决方 …

IPv6 - Windows 7のリンクローカルアドレス、 …

I dont have a IPv6 router on my network to answer solicitation requests. Now since I cant use a link local address to interact with my server I configured a global IPv6 address using the following command: netsh interface ipv6 add address interface=2 address=2001:0db8:0:f101::5 type=unicast validlifetime=infinite preferredlifetime=infinite